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My interests lie at the intersection of deep learning, computer vision and 3D geometry.
My masters research was focused on computer vision and machine learning for solving Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) which lies at the intersection of…
images,videos, text, audio/speech, eye-tracking data) and disciplines (e.g.
Procedure Segmentation and summarization of steps to perform the task in the Instructional Videos.
I was fortunate to collaborate with people at Andreas Krause's group on learning representations for images with hierarchical labels, Luc van Gool's …
At CMU, I'm leveraging the inherent geometric and physical nature of our world to inform these intelligent systems.
I am currently working on research at HuggingFace.
His research interests cover computer vision and deep learning, with special emphasis on low-level vision.
I am a fourth-year PhD student in the Computer Vision Group at the University of Bern, supervised by Prof. Dr. Paolo Favaro.