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Social commerce is the future It's not "meet me at the mall!
The goal of the… Aug 3, 2022 1 Personalized discovery engines for knowledge The next massive search engine will be a personalized…
Evemail Eve Peyser's thoughts on the mundane and amazing parts of the future, which is now.
History is not destiny, traditions can be retooled.
On my commute from the Marina to the Financial District, my bus drives through Chinatown.
Right now I… Jan 9, 2020 Tackling the Mundane Having a job that requires staying on top of consumer trends has its benefits.
But then I see an undeniably modern phrase such as, “Our Lord seems to have gone awol” and I… Bethany Sep 1, 2022 5 4 New Top …
Thread Systems Occasional musings on technology, culture, power, and desire.
I follow the herd.