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Also if they get DeSantis to say ‘willing workers should be free to come to US if they have an job offer.”
Illustrates the aphorism that those who don’t ignore history are condemned to think it will be repeated.
Mass shootings have become, in the public mind, the most salient way that Americans get killed.
May 8 • Ken Klippenstein 66 1 New Top Community Big Business Lobby Opposes Ban on Non-Compete Agreements.
“No electricity, no water, no toilet,” said Saba Yigit, 52, a nanny, giving special emphasis to the last item.
Brian Stelter's space Over 2,000 subscribers By registering you agree to Substack's Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy, and our Information Colle…
Or, does everything not suck?
I don't even know what my personal views are anymore.
As the Marx Brothers said, there ain't no sanity clause--but these are my latest thoughts about politics, policy, culture, books and other stuff.