This site is currently broken for new queries. It seems like some bot hit it and we ran out of exa credits.
Enter your personal website to find others like you. Powered by Exa's "find similar". Built on Val Town.
We want to allow users to set preferences on their profile page.
This is true even when tables have an index for the field or fields you’re querying.
I chose this particular version of Python because I use it in a few of my side projects, so you can use any other version of Python if you’d like.
I'm passionate about a lot of things.
Now I really wanted to understand how to best protect user password hashes on any Django sites I work on where this might be a concern.
In a project I was working on we had a test suite of 375 tests.
Hi, I'm Nick Randall I'm a husband, father, outdoor enthusiast, and software engineer Github Twitter LinkedIn
There were still a bunch of garbage characters that I needed to guess based on context clues.
I'm an experienced Python developer and database nerd on a mission to help every developer build a meaningful career.