This site is currently broken for new queries. It seems like some bot hit it and we ran out of exa credits.
Enter your personal website to find others like you. Powered by Exa's "find similar". Built on Val Town.
We had no concept of separation of concerns, no good way to organize our code.
What wasn’t added was the ability to specify conditions for which the test should be ignored, for instance:
But if I want for whatever reason to execute thirdTest after secondTest, I have to rename thirdTest to something with a hashCode of greater than 4238…
Needless to say, this is both a useful and common capability whether you using REST or something else.
If you want to build something like this, you'll want to learn about GWT linkers, how they work, what they do, and how to write your own.
An engineer that understands the pattern as applied to one project, can instantly understand the pattern as applied to another project.
If I simply do: childDAO.delete(aChildEntity); I'm now in bad shape.
Restarting the application is often not feasible: either the situation I'm trying to diagnose would be wiped out, or other users would be impacted.