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We consider childhood to be an important and foundational experience—not a time to be rushed.

Building upon the natural wonder, curiosity, and imagination of young children through play.

Waldorf education brings students a rich sense of self and their place in the world.

Using their mind and their body to create deep, meaningful connections to all they are learning.

We commit to being a community that is inclusive of people of diverse culture, race, gender, sexual orientation, economic background, political view …

High Achievement Our students and faculty have received recognition for high achievement, both within the classroom and outside of the classroom.

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education, believed in the importance of rhythms and routines in our daily life.

“Some of the things we are interested in are the holistic attitude toward a child’s learning, focusing on development and long-term learning on an em…

At this young age, the children live strongly in their imaginative life and eagerly imitate the behaviors of those around them.

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