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At RCC we strive to be an all-welcoming community of Christ, fueled by personal spiritual growth, spirit-filled worship, and joyful service to those …
Read the Messenger Join us on Sunday Join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for a service of music, prayer, and preaching.
"A traditional worship experience for those who want a place to belong!
Come experience and extend the grace of Jesus.
Give offerings or make a donation to Second Church with our online giving system.
"We believe that God welcomes, includes and cares for all.
We are part of a living tradition of ordinary people who have been captivated by the message of God’s grace through Jesus Christ.
·SERVING by caring for each other and reaching out to the world God loves, seeking to understand and respond to needs;
Rising 6th-12th graders are invited for fun, games, and getting into God's word.