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I really love my workspace at Cornell Tech which has 180 degree view of Manhattan (day and night).
COSY: COunterfactual SYntax for Cross-Lingual Understanding
BigSSL: Exploring the Frontier of Large-Scale Semi-Supervised Learning for Automatic Speech Recognition
I'm interested in computer vision and its relations to natural language and deep learning, with a focus on learning visual
I am an assistant professor of computer science at Brown University, where I direct the PALMð´ research lab, studying computer vision, machine lear…
I lead the Natural Language Processing group at UCR, which develops natural language understanding and generation systems that are controllable, trus…
[2022-12] Invited talk (slides) at ACCV 2022 workshop on Learning with Limited Data for Face Analysis.
My research mainly focuses on computer vision, deep learning, multimodal understanding and generation.
I have a lot of research work on generic image classification, image retrieval and other vision problems.