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" to her in my presence and I'll figure out what her name is.
So yeah, I'm here, I'm alive.........but just barely.
It hurt so much that our baby was gone; I needed something tangible that would remind me of him, something to honor him.
And because your mother is kind and sweet and never wants to be a burden, she assures you it's fine and even looks on the bright side that the other …
Alone with me in the car, my 7-year-old daughter had a confession to make.
I've turned into both my mother and my father as I've caught myself saying, "I've been alive 42 years, don't you think I know more about this than yo…
It is tasty, less greasy than you might think, and I've even been known to get creative with the look.
annoyed her mother was messing around with the back of her neck.
I choose not to say anything because I know that no matter what, someone is going to scream at me and tell me that I'm wrong and not give me a chance…